
Roof Coatings: The Key to Sustainable Roofing for a Greener Future

As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, roof coatings are becoming increasingly important in helping to reduce energy consumption, improve air quality and create healthier living environments. Sustainable Roofing for a Greener Future minimizes waste, and enhances insulation, to a more sustainable and eco-conscious world.

Roof coatings can help extend the life of your roof by providing an extra layer of protection from weathering and other environmental damage while also improving its thermal performance.

By using these products, you can save money on energy costs while doing your part to make our planet greener. In this blog post, we will explore how roof coatings work and what environmental benefits they provide.

What are Roof Coatings?

Roof coatings are typically made of acrylics or rubberized polymers that adhere to the roofing surface that acts like a shield from UV sunlight and other elements. They can be applied on a new roof or an existing roof system.

When it comes to versatility, roof coatings are the first choice. They can be applied to most used roof substrates, including, but not limited to, metal, single-ply membranes, and asphalt shingles.

Many residential and business owners consider these coatings because of their many benefits. One of those benefits is environmental, which has been proven true. If you are unaware of its environmental benefits, read on to find out more!

What Makes A Roof Coating Safe For the Environment?

Many roof coatings are available on the market, but not all are environmentally safe. Some coatings can contain potentially hazardous chemicals that harm our planet and those who work and live around the area.

It is important to do your research when selecting a base coat or product to ensure it does not contain any toxic materials that can harm the environment. So, how can you determine which roof coatings are safe for the environment? Here are some key points to consider:

  • Look for products that contain low VOCs (volatile organic compounds). VOCs are carbon-containing compounds that can harm human health and the environment.
  • Ensure the product is free of hazardous substances such as mercury, lead, and other toxic materials.
  • Look for coatings that are Energy Star certified, which indicates the product has met certain regulations for energy efficiency and is safe for the environment.

Environmental Benefits of Roof Coatings

You may be aware of the many benefits of roof coatings. But did you know that roof coatings have a lot to offer when it comes to environmental benefits? Let’s end your confusion by discussing in-depth the environmental benefits that it provides. Here are some of the environmental benefits that roof coating has:

1) Energy Efficiency

Roof coatings can help reduce the amount of energy needed to cool your home or building. By reflecting sunlight and heat, they help keep the interior cooler, reducing the need for air conditioning.

This reduces energy costs and the demand for power plants, which helps lower greenhouse gas emissions. Gas emissions are harmful to the environment, causing climate change and air pollution, which can negatively impact human health, particularly for those with respiratory issues.

Applying roof coatings on your roof can help reduce the number of greenhouse gases emitted and, consequently, help the environment.

2) Heat Island Effect Reduction

The urban heat island effect has negative impacts on human health. It can lead to heat exhaustion and other heat-related illnesses, particularly in vulnerable populations like the elderly and those with preexisting health conditions.

Urban heat island effects occur when urban areas become significantly hotter than the surrounding rural areas due to the heat retention properties of hard surfaces like concrete and asphalt.

Roof coatings help to mitigate this phenomenon by reflecting sunlight away from the building, which reduces the absorption of heat and keeps the building cooler.

3) Reduced Landfill Waste

A traditional roof can deteriorate much faster than a roof with coatings. This means more waste is generated, as the roofing material must be replaced more often. When roofs reach their lifespan, they are typically torn off and sent to landfills.

Many people don’t realize that traditional roofing materials like asphalt and metal can be recycled. But, if the material isn’t recycled properly, it takes up landfill space.

With roof coatings, the lifespan service life of your roof can be significantly increased by up to 10 to 20 years. Imagine, in 20 years, you won’t have to worry about sending another roof to the landfill!

4) Improved Air Quality

Some roof coatings contain materials that can improve air quality by reducing the amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere. This is particularly important in urban areas where air pollution is a major problem.

Roof coatings can be formulated to reduce harmful emissions, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to air pollution. VOCs are commonly found in many building products, including roofing materials.

This is not just for the safety of other people but also for your family and mother earth. By improving the air quality in your home, you can help keep everyone healthy and safe while also reducing the amount of air pollution in your area.

5) Sustainable Materials

Many people don’t know that manufacturing traditional roofs can harm the environment. The materials used are often unsustainable and toxic to the surrounding environment. Fortunately, roof coatings are sustainable and can be re-applied, reducing the need for a new roof.

6) Create Sustainable Habitat

In addition to all the benefits mentioned above, roof coatings also play a role in creating sustainable habitats. When the water from your installed roofing materials runs off, it can end up in nearby rivers and streams. This runoff contains pollutants and chemicals that can harm the aquatic life in these bodies of water.

A high-quality roof coating can improve water quality and avoid landscape damage by reducing the amount of contaminated runoff from the roof.

Environmentally Friendly Roof Coatings to Consider

Are you convinced to start your roof coating project? Here are some of the most environmentally friendly elastomeric roof coatings that you can choose from:

  • Acrylic coatings: These are made from acrylic resin and can reflect up to 80% of the sun’s rays. Our Perma Coat roof coating is ultra-durable 100% acrylic elastomeric roof coating with advanced weathering technology. When you use it, you get the highest level of protection from rain which causes runoffs.
  • Silicone roof coatings: These are made from silicone, one of the most durable materials on the market. These coatings have elastic properties that are extremely resistant to UV rays, water, and chemical damage.Our Flexa Coat roof silicone coatings are designed to reflect up to 99% of the sun’s rays, making it an ideal choice for keeping your roof cool. It can reduce the heat island effect created when heat radiates off the asphalt and metal roofs.
  • Primer Coatings: These are designed to provide extra protection between the roof and the coating. Our X-Treme primer suits various substrates, new and aged EPDM, TPO, and Polyurethane Foam. When applied, it creates a waterproof membrane ideal for areas with low spots prone to standing water.

Contact Everlast Coatings Today

Roof coatings provide many environmental benefits. They are an effective way to reduce energy costs and improve air quality while creating sustainable habitats. When choosing the right eco-friendly roof coating, it is essential to consider products that contain low VOCs, offer sustainable protection, and reduce the heat island effect.

Doing so will help ensure you get the best performance from your roof coating for a greener future. If you’re ready to start reducing your carbon footprint, our team at Everlast Coatings can help. We have a variety of roof coatings available that can help improve the sustainability of your home or commercial building.

Contact us today to learn more about our products and start making a difference in the future.

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