
Essential Steps for Conducting a Thorough Roof Maintenance Inspection

Conducting a thorough roof maintenance inspection is essential to maintaining the longevity and integrity of your roof. By taking the time to inspect your roof regularly, you can identify potential problems early on and take steps to prevent further damage.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through 8 essential steps for conducting a thorough roof maintenance inspection. If you’re ready to get started, let’s dive right in!

Why Conduct a Roof Maintenance Inspection?

Before we get into the details of how to conduct a roof maintenance inspection, let’s take a moment to discuss why it’s so important to do one in the first place. Here are a few reasons:

  • To prevent major roof damage – Being proactive and conducting regular roof maintenance inspections can help you catch small issues before they become bigger, more expensive problems. Identifying potential roof problems early on can save you time and money in the long run.
  • To keep up with building codes – Many municipalities require a certain level of roof maintenance and inspection to meet local building codes. Failing to do so could result in fines or other penalties. The best way to avoid this is by keeping your roof inspection schedule up to date.
  • To reduce the risk of a lawsuit – If someone suffers an injury due to a neglected roof, they may be able to sue you for damages if it can be proven that you failed to take adequate steps to maintain it. This is why it’s important to inspect your roof regularly and make repairs as soon as they are needed.
  • To improve energy efficiency – A well-maintained roof will be better at keeping your home insulated and reducing the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling. This can help you save money on your utility bills over time. The better your roof’s condition, the better its energy efficiency.

Now that we’ve discussed why it’s important to conduct a thorough roof maintenance inspection, let’s dive deeper into how to do it.

Pro Tip: How to Conduct a Roof Maintenance Inspection: The Ultimate Guide

8 Essential Steps for Conducting a Roof Maintenance Inspection

Here are the 8 essential steps for conducting a roof maintenance inspection:

1. Remove Any Debris On the Rooftop

The first step to conducting a thorough roof maintenance inspection is to remove any debris that may have accumulated on the rooftop. This includes anything from leaves and twigs to foliage or even animal waste. It’s important to clear these away so that you can get a better look at your roof and make sure nothing is hiding underneath it that could be causing problems.

Make sure to use a broom or a similar tool to gently remove any debris that’s stuck. This will help you avoid damaging the roof and ensure that your inspection is as thorough as it can be. If you come across any problem areas, make sure to mark them down for further inspection.

2. Unclog All Drains

Once the roof surface has been cleared of all debris, it is essential to unclog any drains. This step helps remove any standing water that may have collected on the roof and can also provide an added layer of protection against potential leaks or other damage caused by improper drainage. Be sure to check for clogged gutters, downspouts, and other drains that could be preventing water from properly draining away from the roof.

You may need to use a ladder or other tool to access these areas and unclog them as needed. The unclogging process can also help you identify any potential problems that could be causing the blockage. While this step may seem minor, it is an important part of keeping your roof in good condition and preventing further damage.

3. Check Your Gutters

Gutters are one of the most important components of any roofing system. They are responsible for carrying away excess water and preventing damage that can be caused by standing water. It’s essential to check the gutters regularly to ensure that they’re working properly and there aren’t any blockages or leaks.

The inspection should include checking the gutters and downspouts for any debris, as well as looking out for signs of corrosion or rust on metal gutters. These need to be cleared immediately, as clogged gutters will lead to standing water on the roof, which can cause serious damage over time. Additionally, make sure that the downspouts are pointed away from your home and not spilling onto walkways or other areas.

4. Inspect the Roof Surface for Blisters and/or Delamination

Blisters and/or delamination are signs of age-related damage to the roof system. Inspecting for such faults can help identify areas of potential weakness, allowing you to take preventive action. Blisters generally appear as raised bubbles on the surface of the membrane, while delamination appears as a void between two layers of the membrane itself.

If either of these problems is present, you should consider replacing the affected area. These issues can lead to moisture build-up and potential water damage if not addressed quickly. A roofer or professional building inspector can help you identify the best course of action.

5. Check the Entire Roof Surface for any Deterioration, Holes,

Mechanical Abuse Areas, Defects, and/or Separation
The next step is to inspect the entire roof surface for signs of any deterioration, holes, mechanical abuse areas, defects, and/or separations. It’s important to inspect the entire roof surface, as even small areas of damage can cause major problems if left unchecked.

The inspector should look for any cracked, curled, or buckled shingles that could indicate poor installation or aging. They should also check for any holes, punctures, or tears that might be indicative of an animal infestation or mechanical damage.

Other signs of deterioration to look for include soft spots, blistering, powdery granules, and discolorations. Any areas that show signs of damage should be repaired immediately. If you encounter any of these issues, get in touch with us and ask about the AcryShield Roof Maintenance (ARM) System. You’ll save thousands of dollars by not having to pull off and replace your roof later!

6. Carefully Inspect All Joints

Make sure to inspect the areas where two or more components of your roof are joined together. This includes checking all joints and seams for any damage or signs of weakness, as well as ensuring that the fasteners used to secure them are in good condition. Be especially careful when inspecting vents, chimneys, and skylights, as these areas tend to be more prone to damage. An experienced roofer can inspect these areas and make any necessary repairs.

7. Make Sure Sealants and Caulking are Effectively Working

Inspect sealants and caulking around vents, pipes, skylights, chimneys, etc. If any of these areas are not properly sealed it can cause significant damage to your roof and the rest of your home’s structure. Make sure these sealants remain durable by replacing or repairing them when needed.

Learn more about AcryFlex if you’re seeking a sealant of the highest caliber. It is an elastomeric acrylic sealer that offers a water-based, water-resistant sealant that is designed for long-term flexibility and adherence.

8. Maintain Your Landscaping

Improper landscaping can cause excessive amounts of water to pool near the foundation of your home, and this can lead to structural damage. Make sure you are pruning trees and shrubs around your house so that they don’t block the flow of water away from your roof. Additionally, make sure that the soil slopes away from the building and that the downspouts are pointing away from your home and not towards it. This will help to keep water away from the foundation of your house and prevent any potential damage.

By following these 8 essential steps, you can ensure that your roof stays in perfect condition for years to come. Regularly inspecting and maintaining your roof is an important part of keeping your home safe and protected.

Learn More About Roof Coatings Today

Contact us at Everlast Coatings to learn more about our roof coatings and how they can help protect your roof against the elements.

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